In the beginning there were many HIP HOP records from 1979-1986 that did not have an accompanying music video. Some were hit songs and others were just fun to dance and sing along. So we decided to compile this section for these classic HIP HOP songs. A lot of these record labels were either independent mom and pop labels who were jumping in on this fad or labels who really couldn't afford to make music videos for these songs during that time. Also the Electro- Funk was part of the scene as well. Many of these artists that made these recording was not part of the Hip Hop shows movement. There are many that none of us know, but there were jumping on the band wagon to make a record.
Let’s remember that there were no television shows like BET or MTV that was willing to play rap music. Thank goodness for the creative direction of Ralph McDaniel’s VIDEO MUSIC BOX that aired in New York and lead the way for HIP HOP Videos to be seen on television. Enjoy listening to these HIP HOP CLASSICS